Relationships & Life: It's Like A Journey On A Bus...

Life is like a bus, people come and go into our lives, at the right time, for the right amount of time to share the journey with us.

Apr 22, 2024

Appreciate "The Power Of Moments" To Live By Design

Creating a common space for ideation and strategy and genuine moments of inspiration. (2:21 mins.)

Jun 08, 2022

Committing to Your Vision

You have a vision, right? Now, is it a true vision or a fantasy... Make sure you are aware of the difference if you don't want to be disappointed. (1:34 min.)

Dec 24, 2021

Own Your Unique Talents And Gifts

How do you own your unique set of skills, gifts, and talents? Here's a powerful perspective shift that will transform you. (4:54 mins.)

Dec 24, 2021

Do You Know Your Purpose In Life?

Stop looking outside of yourself to know your purpose in life, it's already WITHIN you and your life demonstrates it. (3:13 mins.)

Dec 24, 2021

Values Conflicts Can Sabotage Your Results

What happens if there's a clash between your values and your business? You're going to end up wasting your precious time, energy, and effort. (3:29 mins.)

Dec 24, 2021

A Quick Way To Determine Your True Values

You've been seeing and hearing me teach the importance of defining your values, but in here I'll give you a powerful exercise on HOW TO DISCOVER THEM. (1:28 min.)

Dec 24, 2021

Don't Try To Be Someone Else

To those who are envying other people, look within. You have something unique to contribute, a unique competitive advantage. (1:14 min.)

Dec 22, 2021

Are You On The Right Path Or The Wrong Path?

Do you feel like you're walking on the wrong path? (2:08 mins.)

Dec 22, 2021

Unaccomplished Goals? Readjust It

Unaccomplished goals doesn't mean you're a failure. It only means you need to revisit them and refine your strategy. (0:54 secs.)

Dec 22, 2021

How Identifying Your Values Can Change Your Life

Are you experiencing internal conflicts but don't know where it's coming from? (1:37 min.)

Dec 22, 2021

The Quickest Way To Uncover Your Values

Who doesn't like shortcuts? Here is one to get clear on your values! (2:55 mins.)

Dec 22, 2021

Why Knowing Your True Values Is Difficult

This is what stops people from finding their true values... But there is way! (1:07 min.)

Dec 22, 2021

You Have Seeds Of Talent In You

Everyone has a unique seed of talent in them. Your life's journey is to see it, appreciate it, and nurture it because everyone is born great. (1:58 min.)

Dec 22, 2021

Your Contribution To The World Is Unique

If you’re feeling worthless and hopeless today, may this podcast shed light to you. (2:16 mins.)

Dec 22, 2021

Growth: Create Your Future & Clear Your Past Baggage

There are 2 things that impact your personal growth: the FUTURE and the PAST. (1:03 mins.)

Dec 21, 2021

Stop Worrying On What Is Lacking In You

If you need encouragement today, this podcast is for you. (0:22 sec.)

Dec 20, 2021