Relationships & Life: It's Like A Journey On A Bus...
Life is like a bus, people come and go into our lives, at the right time, for the right amount of time to share the journey with us.
The Difference Between Emotional vs. Calm & Centered
The importance of being calm and centered to adapt to challenges in life. (4:29 mins.)
How We Can Naturally Help Others Regulate Their Emotions
Our emotions allow us to understand, connect, and communicate with others and ourselves. (2:36 mins.)
How To Be An External Emotional Regulator For Others
Recognizing your emotions and learning to manage them is one of the most important skills you can have. (1:48 mins.)
Emotions Are Distractions Preventing You From Reaching The Next Level
Distraction involves intentionally getting your mind off of the emotionally distressing situation to give yourself a break from those difficult feelings. (1:15 mins.)
The Limbic System & Emotional Regulation
The limbic system predominantly controls appropriate responses to stimuli with social, emotional, or motivational salience. (4:07 mins.)
Leveraging Our Environment To Live By Design
Living life by design means you're purposefully designing each element of your world, from family, business, and friends toward your definition of success.(7:34 mins.)
The Neurological Anatomy Of Emotions
Being aware of our emotions can help us talk about feelings more clearly, avoid or resolve conflicts better, and move past difficult feelings more easily. (4:07 mins.)
How Perceived Authorities Impact Our Behaviour & Success
How we perceive other people in our environment is also shaped by our values, emotions, feelings, and personality. (2:57 mins.)
How To Take Charge & Control Your Thinking, Actions, & Decisions
Our thoughts and feelings influence our behaviors, choices, and ultimately, outcomes. (0:36 secs.)
The Biggest Regret People Have In Life: Not Living By Design
Living intentionally and with passion. (1:27 mins.)
Why Master Our Emotions?
Managing emotional reactions means choosing how and when to express the emotions we feel. (1:27 mins.)
The Purpose Behind Mastering Our Emotions
Emotional awareness helps us know what we need and want or don't want. It helps us build better relationships. (3:46 mins.)
What Are Emotions?
Emotions help us to communicate with others, such as when we feel sad and need some help. They also can help us to act quickly in important situations. (1:23 mins.)
The Health Benefits Of Mastering Emotions
This help you to connect with your feelings, turn intention into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to you. (0:35 secs.)
Emotions Are Feedbacks For Our Imbalanced Perceptions
Emotion determines how we perceive our world, organise our memory, and make important decisions. (2:33 mins.)
The Survival Role Of Emotions
Emotions can drive us to take actions we need for our survival. (1:28 mins.)
How To Help Others Regulate Their Emotions
Learning how to process emotions and respond with appropriate behaviour is essential to a person's well-being. (1:11 mins.)
What Happens When We Are Emotional
Emotions are powerful forces. They determine our outlook on life based on the events occurring around us. (2:40 mins.)
How Can We Relate The "Predator & Prey" In Our Emotional Reactions
Emotions can play an important role in how you think and behave. (4:06 mins.)
The Limbic System And Emotions
The limbic system is a collective term for brain structures that are involved in processing emotions. (4:06 mins.)
The Neurological Anatomy Of Emotions
Emotions motivate people to respond quickly to stimuli in the environment, which helps improve the chances of success and survival. (4:07 mins.)
Understanding The Wheel Of Life
Achieve a more balanced and empowered life. (4:07 mins.)
Focus On Your Habits To Achieve Your Goals
Harnessing the power of habits is a great way to pursue success. (1:24 mins.)
A Goal Without A Strategy Is A Fantasy
Setting goals that are specific and measurable can transform your habits, your mindset, your confidence, and your daily actions. (0:35 secs.)
The Influence Of Authority On Behaviour And Success
Pay attention to who do we put as an authority outside of us. (3:33 mins.)
Do Not Impose Your Values On Others
Your values will influence your decisions related to your relationships, career, and other activities you engage in. (1:27 mins.)
Why Our Emotions Stay In Our Body
Emotions can play an important role in how you think and behave. (3:44 mins.)
Committing To Your Vision
You have to commit to taking personal responsibility for creating the successful life and career you want and deserve. (1:33mins.)
Understanding The Path & Feedback Systems
Keep track and measure your advancement toward success. (2:46mins.)
Focus On The Activity Not The Results
Set goals based on the process instead of the outcome. (1:52 mins.)
The Price of Living By Design Is To Manage Our Most Precious Resources
Learn how to design your life, set and achieve realistic goals, manage distractions and build a healthy lifestyle. (1:35 mins.)
Outcomes Are A Lagging Measure Of Habits
Make sure that your time is spent wisely on habits that lead to success. (1:15 mins.)
Live By Design By Having Goals & Systems
Invest your time in developing your systems to stay on track and on target. (0.59 secs.)
The 3 Keys To Achievement
Continue to learn, grow and gain the confidence to go out into the world and succeed. (2:14 mins.)
Appreciate "The Power Of Moments" To Live By Design
Creating a common space for ideation and strategy and genuine moments of inspiration. (2:21 mins.)
Stay Focused & Productive By Setting Realistic Expectations
Discover how to tap into your best self by creating a plan that will help you achieve your goals and stay inspired. (2:50 mins.)
Value Exchange And Fair-Exchange
Value Exchange and Fair-Exchange are two important concepts in business that everyone should be familiar with. It's the key to long-term success. (2:22 mins.)
How To Create Defining Moments
Let's appreciate each moment, embrace new experiences, and grow to your full potential. (2:56 mins.)
How To Manage Obstacles To Achieve Your Goals
Everyone has faced obstacles in achieving their goals, some big, some small. It's not easy to stay on track when life gets in the way. (1:35 mins.)
The 3 Keys To Live By Design
Discover a brand new way to bring out your best self, and live the life you want. (1:23 mins.)
Aligning Conscious & Subconscious To Live By Design
You can find clarity around what you want, shift subconscious blocks, and create a plan for achieving your goals. (2:40 mins.)
Empowering All Areas Of Life To Live By Design
Change can be scary and overwhelming at times, so why not make some small changes, to begin with? (2:43 mins.)
How To Distribute Your Wealth In Various Areas
Your wealth is not just about how much money you make but about how you manage it. (2:55 mins.)
What Doesn't Work Is A Learning Opportunity
Life is about learning, so when things don't go your way, look at it as an opportunity to learn rather than as a failure. (00:39 secs.)
What Truly Matters Is The Journey
Today, it's not about finding your destination. It's about enjoying the journey along the way. (0.30 secs.)
Learn To Decode The Signs Of Life
Learn to decode the subtle signs of life that guide you to live your most authentic self (2:34 mins.)
Using The Environment To Grow & Succeed "The Stoic Way"
Knowing the difference your 'circle or concern' and your 'circle of influence' is crucial to master your life (4:22 mins.)
Develop Effective Personal Leadership
If you want to achieve more with less and experience more quality work and quality time, practice personal leadership. (4:26 mins.)
Importance Of Personal Leadership In The 21st Century
It's important to establish personal ledership because it will help you have a clear sense of direction. (3:41 mins.)
What Is Personal Leadership?
Life is too short to struggle and grind, develop personal leadership so you can create the life and career you are truly capable of. (1:21 min.)
Why Developing Personal Leadership Matters
You can achieve more quality work with quality time if you practice personal leadership. (3:10 mins.)
The 5 Steps To Develop Personal Leadership
Don't let time and chance determine what your future will be. Instead, lead yourself. (2:10 mins.)
The Truth About Personal Leadership
Do you want to be your most authentic self? Develop #personalleadership. (0:45 secs.)
Do You See Your Values Connected Or In Conflict?
If what you do is not aligned with your values, you will experience resistence, frustration and feel conficted on the inside. (1:48 min.)
Know Yourself So You Can Be Yourself
Knowing yourself by determining your core values will bring clarity to your path and purpose in life. (1:48 min.)
5 Keys To Accelerate Personal Leadership
There are 5 elements in order to accelerate your personal leadership. (3:05 mins.)
The #1 Reason Your Strategy Isn't Working
Ever wondered why you’re still stuck and frustrated after following some business’ gurus formula for success? (3:39 mins.)