How To Take Charge & Control Your Thinking, Actions, & Decisions

Our thoughts and feelings influence our behaviors, choices, and ultimately, outcomes. (0:36 secs.)

Jun 20, 2022

The 3 Keys To Live By Design

Discover a brand new way to bring out your best self, and live the life you want. (1:23 mins.)

Jun 08, 2022

Aligning Conscious & Subconscious To Live By Design

You can find clarity around what you want, shift subconscious blocks, and create a plan for achieving your goals. (2:40 mins.)

Jun 07, 2022

Empowering All Areas Of Life To Live By Design

Change can be scary and overwhelming at times, so why not make some small changes, to begin with? (2:43 mins.)

Jun 07, 2022

Have A Vision And Embrace Uncertainty Of The Path

If you are currently questioning your vision and your path forward... Listen to this! (2:09 mins.)

Dec 22, 2021

What Being Confident Really Means...

Confidence is not just about feeling that you can succeed at something. It’s about developing self-worth and handling change. (4:27 mins.)

Dec 21, 2021

The Only 3 Things You Can Control In Life

There are external things that you don’t necessarily have power over. (3:29 mins.)

Dec 21, 2021

Focus On Your Strengths

Too often, you try to improve or fix your weaknesses, but have you considered taking the time to look at what you’re good at and develop that? (1:19 mins.)

Dec 16, 2021

Own Your Greatness And Stop Comparing

Stop comparing yourself to others, you are sabotaging your self-worth (3:42 mins.)

Dec 14, 2021